Complete.MD Roles and Permissions

CheckIn Supervisor (8)

  • Basic Exam Room functions
  • Check In functions
  • My Profile in web portal

CheckOut Supervisor (9)

  • Basic Exam Room functions
  • Check Out functions
  • My Profile in web portal

Billing Clerk (10)

  • Basic Exam Room functions
  • Billing functions in desktop app
  • My Profile in web portal
  • Basic  Billing/Claims Portal functions

Billing Admin (14)

  • Basic Exam Room functions
  • Billing functions in desktop app
  • My Profile in web portal
  • Basic Billing/Claims Portal functions
  • Advanced Billing/Claims Portal functions (EDI Queue, Calculator, Fee Schedule/Codes/Payer Management)

Scheduler (15)

  • Basic Exam Room functions
  • Basic Scheduling functions in desktop app
  • My Profile in web portal

Scheduling Supervisor (13)

  • Basic Exam Room functions
  • Basic Scheduling functions in desktop app
  • Advanced Scheduling functions in desktop app (create ad hoc appointment, create appointment in past)
  • My Profile in web portal

Scheduling Admin (17)

  • Basic Exam Room functions
  • My Profile in web portal
  • Scheduling Setup functions in web portal

Pathology User (18)

  • User has similar permissions as Practice Employee
  • User has access to basic Exam Room functions
  • User has permission to access Pathology module in web portal
  • User has permissions to access many daily pathology functions within the electronic log book in the web portal
  • User can not Close Cases

Pathology Supervisor (16)

  • User has similar permissions as Pathology User
  • User can Close Cases
  • Log Book/Pathology functions and reports in web portal
  • Can close cases within the electronic log book in the web portal.

Pathology Admin (27)

  • User has similar permissions as Pathology Supervisor
  • Log Book/Pathology functions and reports in web portal
  • User can Unlock Orders to review/edit
  • User can access Greenlight Management Pages, Manage Provider Page
  • User can view restricted reports
  • User can view and add Team Members and Medical Assistants

Practice Admin (3)

  • Basic Exam Room functions
  • Check In Mgr/Check Out/Billing/Advanced Scheduling functions in desktop app
  • Log Book/Pathology functions and reports in web portal
  • Scheduling Setup functions in web portal
  • Practice Setup functions in web portal

Other Roles:

Patient (1)

Physician (2)

Pharmacy (6)

Practice Employee (11) – all new practice users are added to this role when they are created using the Team Members page in web portal

Lab User (19)

Not Currently Used:

HS Admin (4)  

User Management (7)

Provider Assistant (12) - To set up a Provider Assistant, use the web portal Medical Assistants page in web portal

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