Connect Referrals Tutorial

To begin using the new Connect Referrals module, log in to the web portal at  Navigate to the Referrals button in the left hand menu.

Outgoing and Incoming Referrals

Outgoing and Incoming Referrals are listed in separate referrals search screens.  Use the Options button to see additional search parameters.

Expand the patient referral data by clicking the arrow to the left of the patient's name.  Click on the Referral Number link to see additional details and edit referral information.  The definition of the status lollipops are listed below.

  • RO = Referral Ordered
  • RA = Referral Authorized
  • RS = Referral Scheduled
  • PC = Patient
  • CC = Case Closed by Referred To Provider
  • PR = Provider Reviewed
  • SF = Scheduled Follow Up
  • RC = Referral Closed by Referred From Provider

The Action buttons at the Patient level include

  • View/Edit Patient Billing Profile
  • Edit Patient Information
  • Create a New Referral

The Action buttons at the Referral level include

  • Edit Referral
  • Close Case
  • Referral History
  • Referral Attachments
  • Referral Report

The  Action buttons at the Referral Detail Patient level include

  • View/Edit Patient Billing Profile
  • Edit Patient Information

The  Action buttons at the Referral Detail Summary level include

  • Upload Attachments
  • Record Notifications
  • Change Referral Status
  • View Attachments
  • Close Case
  • Referral Report

My Providers

The My Providers search screen allows users to create a practice-specific listing of Referral providers and manage practice and provider Favorites. Deselect the My Favorites option to enable the additional search parameters under the Options button and to enable the Provider Name and Specialty boxes at the top of the screen.  

Searching can be performed for specific Practice Providers, Favorites, or a combination of Location, Favorites and Connected (Complete.MD) providers.  Results fall into several categories including Connected (Complete.MD) Users, Provider Favorites and Practice Favorites.

From the search results, users can see action buttons including: 

  • Edit Provider Profile
  • Create New Referral

To Edit a Provider Profile, update the provider information and click the Save button.  Providers can also be made Practice-wide favorites or Provider-specific favorites from this pop up.

Create Referral

The Create Referral screen allows users to walk through a wizard to create a new referral.  The wizard steps include:

  • Select a Referred From provider
  • Select a patient (or create a new patient)
  • Add referral details and related documents
  • Input billing/insurance information
  • Select the Referred To provider
  • Choose an appointment slot (for Connected providers only)
  • Confirm the referral appointment
  • Print/Fax the referral information

Step 1: Select a Referred From provider

Step 2: Select a patient (or create a new patient).  Use the Patient First and Last Name boxes to search for an existing patient.  Or use the Create button to create a new patient record.

Step 3: Add referral details and related documents.  Add a Referral Reason, any relevant Notes (not required) and upload any relevant documents (not required.) 

Step 4: Input billing/insurance information

Step 5: Select the Referred To provider.  Use your predefined Favorites or Search for a provider that will receive the referral.

Step 6: Choose an appointment slot (for Connected providers only).  

*If a provider is chosen who is not Connected, a warning message will pop up.  Click Proceed to create the Referral without any defined appointment data.  

Step 7: Confirm the referral appointment by clicking the Confirm button on the bottom right hand side of the screen.

Step 8: Print and/or Fax the referral information

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