Allocate Payment Update 12-02-2019

We have updated the UI and functionality of our allocation tool. This document will outline general use of this tool, and act as a walk-through for allocating payments to claim tickets.

1. Create/Select a Payment

When you enter the allocation screen, you will be presented with two options. You may either create a new payment (patient or insurance) or search for an existing payment.

a. Create a Payment

Creating a payment will be the default selection when entering the allocation screen.

  1. Select "New Payment" to create a new payment.
  2. You may toggle between "Patient Payment" and "Insurance Payment" by using the blue button and selecting the payment type you wish to create.
  3.  After selecting your payment type, enter in the relevant payment information and click "Save" or "Save and Allocate".
    1. "Save" for when you just want to create the payment.
    2. "Save and Allocate" if you intend to create the payment and then apply that payment.

b. Select an Existing Payment

There are two search functions built in to quickly find the payment you are looking for. These are located on the "Payment Search" and "ERA Search" tabs.

Payment/ERA Search
Here you have access to the search and find all payments in the system.

  1. Patient and Insurance Payments are found via "Payment Search"
  2. ERA Insurance Payments are found via "ERA Search"

Once you have found the payment you wish to apply, click on the arrow on the right side of that payment. After creating or selecting a payment, you will see the following payment summary section. This is the payment we will be applying in later steps.

Here you can see all relevant top-level payment information.

  • Applied: The amount of the payment that has been applied to claim tickets. 
    • Red: Payment has yet to be applied
    • Yellow: Payment has been partially applied
    • Green: Payment has been completely applied
  • Unapplied: The amount of the payment that has yet to be applied.
    • Red: Payment has not been completely applied
    • Green: Payment is completely applie

c. Select a Claim to Apply Payment

ERA Payments

  1. If your selected payment is an ERA Payment, you will see a list of all available claims on this ERA. 
  2. Click on the "Allocate" icon to begin applying the payment to the selected claim.

Insurance or Patient Payments

  1. If you have selected an insurance (non-ERA) or patient payment, you will see a new section for searching existing claims.
  2. Search for the claim you wish to apply the payment to and select the "Allocate" option.

d. Apply Payment

After selecting the claim you wish to apply to, you will see the "New Allocation", "Allocation History", "EOB Adjustments", and "Patient Adjustment" tabs. 
From here, you are able to:

  • Create New Allocations
  • Find and Remove Previous Allocations
  • Find, Add, and Remove Previous EOB Adjustments
  • Find, Add, and Remove Previous Patient Adjustments

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