Billing Profile Update 12-13-2019

We have released updates to the Billing Profile tool for the billing module. These updates are meant to improve reliability in making changes to a patients chart, as well as adding more visibility to the data that is important to our users. Please refer to the information below if you have any questions regarding how to use the Billing Profile tool.

1. Open Billing Profile

Anywhere that you see this icon, you can click it and view the patient's Billing Profile. 

2. Managing Billing Profiles

You may freely Add, Edit, and Delete profiles using this tool.

All profiles for the selected patient are shown at the top of the tool and are labeled "Patient Profiles". You may click on a profile to view the accounts that are tied to that profile.


To add a new profile, click the + icon on the right side of the tool. This will create a new profile with the default name "New Profile". If you select this profile, you will notice that it is empty.


To rename an existing profile: click the pencil icon, enter your desired profile name, and then click the check mark to save your changes.


To delete an existing profile: click the x icon. 
  • WARNING: All accounts tied to this profile will no longer be available.
  • WARNING: You will not be allowed to delete a profile that has claims assigned to it. You will need to assign a new profile to each claim before you will be allowed to delete the profile.

Assigned Claims

A counter will appear next to the profile name that displays how many claims are assigned to the profile. You can hover your mouse over these numbers to get an explanation.

  • Yellow: Open Claims - Claims that are still being worked.
  • Gray: Closed Claims - Claims that have been paid and marked as completed.

3. Managing Accounts

Adding, Editing, and Removing accounts can now be done more easily and efficiently.

Editing Accounts

Clicking on an account from the grid will open that account in the editor. Here you are able to do the following:

  • View card images that were uploaded using the CompleteMD Client
  • Edit information on the account
  • Remove the account
    • Accounts removed can be found in the "Removed" section of the Patient Profiles. 
  • The current account that is open in the editor will have an "Edit" icon appear next to it.

Setting Account as Active

The Active account is the account that will be billed against for that particular level.

You can change which account is active by using the icon on the far-right side of the account grid.

Adding an Account

To add a new account, click the + icon to the far-right side of the level that you wish to add.

The account editor will open where you can enter in the account details. This newly added account is not created until you click "Save Changes". So be sure to enter in the details and then save your changes.

The newly added profile will become the active profile for that insurance level.

Removing an Account

You can remove an account by using the "Remove" button, and then confirming that you would like to remove the account.

The account can then be viewed in the "Removed" account bucket that can be found by the patient profiles.
  • Removed accounts can be restored by using the "restore" function found in the removed accounts bucket.
    • The "restore" button is located on the account grid in the removed accounts bucket.
    • Restoring an account will set the restored account as active for the associated profile.
    • Restoring an account for a deleted profile will also restore that profile.

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