Create Credit Card Payments - Portal

The ability to create credit card payments for both patients and insurances has been added to the Payment Search screen in the portal.

You can access this feature by opening the drop-down on the "New" button and selecting "Credit Card Payment".

Creating Credit Card Payments

1. Select Payment Type

Patient: Use the "Apply To Account" search box to find and select the account that the payment should be applied to.

Insurance: Use the "Payer" search box to find and select the payer plan that the payment is being made by.

2. Enter Card Info and Billing Address

Patient: Enter the credit card details and check "Use Address on File" to use the patient's billing address that is on file. If payment fails while using the address on file, please try to enter the address manually by un-checking "Use Address on File". After entering the details, click "confirm".

Insurance: "Use Address On File" is not applicable for insurance payments. Please enter the Credit Card and Billing details provided by the payer and click confirm.

3. Successful Creation Confirmation/Error

On successful creation you will be shown a message at the top with the new Payment Number. Clicking the message will open the payment in the allocations screen where you will be able to apply or edit the payment.

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