Treatment Plans

CompleteMD now has the ability to create custom Treatment Plans:

  • Treatment plans will be managed by your practice admin. 
  • While there are some default options that appear, custom plans can be implemented at any point.

Accessing your Treatment Plans

Note: Access to treatment plans is restricted to practice admins. To access your treatment plans 

  1. Navigate from home to Pathology
  2. Click Treatment Plans (requires practice admin role)

Creating a Treatment Plan

  1. Click the new button in the top right hand corner of the screen
  2. You will be shown the following modal (see below)
  3. Enter a treatment name (cannot exceed 150 characters total, including spaces and special characters)
    • Note: Treatment Plan Name cannot be empty
  4. Determine whether the treatment plan will close cases, flag the patient as treated, or both.
    • Note: This can be changed later but historical records will not be updated automatically
  5. Click save to save this treatment plan
    • Note: Newly added Treatment Plans are immediately accessible by the Close Case modal without needing to sign out or refresh.
  6. All newly created treatment plans will be set to active by default, but can be deactivated from the Treatment Plan page via the active switch
    • Note: Only currently active treatment plans will appear in the close case modal window as options (see below)

Using Treatment Plans

  1. Navigate to Outgoing LogBook Search (from Home: Pathology --> Log Book)
  2. Search for a LabOrder / Patient that needs to have their case closed
  3. Hover over the actions menu ellipsis (three vertical dots in the far right corner) and select the "Close Case" option
  4. You will be shown the following modal (see below)
  5. Select the specimen(s) you want to close case(s) for. You can "Select All" using the checkbox at the top (default) or you can can select them individually (check box per specimen).
    • Note: If using the "Select All" option, you must assign a resolution and date to each specimen
  6. Click the resolution dropdown. Select the option you want to use to close the case (see below). Add a date of resolution and any additional notes or documentation, then save. You should see the changes in the "Close Case" status reflected immediately.

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