Manage Log Book

Clinic users can access the Log Book from the Complete.MD web portal. The log book lists all lab orders placed by the clinic and many details about the patient, order, results and follow up(s).  

Basic Search Options

Basic search options include patient name (last name, first name), order number and MRN #. To use the Advanced search options, check the "apply optional filters" box and follow the instructions below. 

To set up a recurring search (or View), open the Options section, select your search criteria and save the view with a name at the bottom of the search options in the View Name box.  Your saved view will be available in the drop down the next time you open the search screen. 

Advanced Search Options

To add additional search criteria, open the Options section of the screen.  Select additional options from the list provided. Be sure the "apply optional filters " box is checked before clicking search.  

Basic Patient/Order Info

In the example order above, we can see the patient's name, account number, date of birth, age and sex.  The internal order number, visit date, provider and practice location are all listed for a specific order. The laboratory that is reviewing the order is listed under the patient name. The colored circles next to the lab name are referred to as lollipops and they show the progression of the order through the system.  Expanding the arrow next to the lab name allows the user to see additional details about the specimen included in the order and specimen level lollipops.

Users can hover over any lollipop to see additional details about that specific step in the process.

  • SC = Specimen Created
  • LP = Label Printed
  • RC = Ready for Courier
  • CP = Courier Picked Up
  • SR = Specimen Received by Laboratory
  • RR = Results Received
  • PR = Provider Reviewed
  • PN = Patient Notified
  • SF = Scheduled Follow Up(s)
  • check mark = Case Closed


Reports included in the Log Book are:

  • Patient Info - basic information about the patient
  • Lab Order Request - basic information about the lab requisition or order that is sent to the laboratory
  • Lesion Sheet - internal clinic information about the order
  • Lab Order Summary - summary of lab order actions and notifications for a particular patient
  • View Results - results document from the laboratory
  • If no results are available, users may have the ability to upload a PDF document.  Click on the PDF button in the Action section to upload a result document.  Choose a result date and the file from your local computer. 


Actions included in the Log Book are:

  • Release results - set a date to allow the patient to view results using the patient web portal
  • Remove results - remove previously uploaded result documents
  • Notify Patient - capture details related to notifying a patient about their results
  • Schedule a Follow Up - capture details about follow up appointments
  • Close Case - capture resolution details and close specimens or entire orders
  • Change Lab - change the lab this order is routed  (note that this can only be used before the specimen has been physically sent to the laboratory)
  • Change Practice Location - change the practice location this order originated from
  • Change Patient - change the patient assigned to this order
  • View Patient Cards - view patient attachments including insurance and ID cards

Sort/Export Options

Mass Updates

Use the check boxes on the left hand side of the screen to select multiple orders to update. Order status may be updated to courier picked up, provider reviewed and ready for courier.

Priority Flags

Priority flags can be updated by hovering over the flag for a particular order

Detail View

Instructions for the detail view of lab orders can be found in this document:

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