How do I view notes from my visit?

First, navigate to and login with your email address and password.  

Click on the Medical History button.

To Download a copy of your medical history, enter a date range and click the Download button.  You may also download all medical history data by leaving the date range option blank.

To View a copy of your medical history, enter a date range and click the View button.  You may also view all medical history data by leaving the date range option blank.

To Transmit a copy of your medical history, click the Transmit option. Enter the email address of the recipient and either enter a date range to limit the data being sent or leave the date range empty to send all data.  To send the medical history information in a secure format, the Secure Transmission slider button should be blue.  To send the medical history information in an unsecured format, the Secure Transmission slider button should be white. 

*Note that sending the information as a secure transmission requires you to provide an Access Key to the recipient. Without the unique access key, your recipient will be unable to view your medical history data.  All secure transmissions expire in 3 days in order to further protect your information.

If you are unable to complete this process, please contact support at 1-855-776-2646.

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